Entrelacées is a powerful performance directed by Juliana Kis and interpreted by four talented artists. Blending hip-hop, contemporary dance, poetry and music, this production creates a space for dialogue on women's rights. The piece takes the spectator on a powerful journey of overcoming, highlighting the strength and sisterhood of women. The sound creation oscillates between the rich cultural identity of the choreographer's native Brazil, percussion, song and moments of silence to create a unique sensory experience. Symbolizing feminine resilience, the artists' hair is highlighted by long braids, the fruit of artistic inspiration contributing to this engaging and emotional experience.
Artistic director and choreographer : Juliana Kis
Duration : 45 min
Public : All ages
Music creation : Pierre Caillot
Collaboration : Isis Dresch
Dancers : 4
Team on tour : 5 to 6 people
Production : Brainstorm Dance Company
Coproductions : L'Oréal Women's Fund
With the support of Ascendanse Hip Hop, Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, Sobanova, Cie La Baraka - Abou Laagra et Nawal Ait Benalla, Pôle en Scènes - Pôle Pik, La Limonaderie.
Residencies : La Chapelle - Cie La Baraka; - Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Marcel Dadi; La Limonaderie - Ballet 21; Pôle Pik - Pôle en scènes.
Distribution : Chaillot Théâtre National de la Danse - On Danse Chez vous; Centquatre - Festival Séquence Danse; Platform 14 - Berlin; Finalist Sobanova Dance Awards; Urban Shakers; Culturebox TV - canal 14, XX Dancerveira - Portugal.
Artistic Director & Choreographer
Brainstorm dance company
Représentée par l’association AscEnDanse Hip-Hop
Association Loi 1901
SIRET: 445 079 973 00027 Licence n°2: 2021-010103
Adresse: 5 rue Rubens 75013 Paris
Marion Duhirel
Caroline Landreau